Friday, December 29, 2006

Almost New Years!

Almost time for Happy New Year. Love all of the Christmas blogs that I read. Elliott's were funny with what the kids were saying. Such fun - at least I feel like maybe I was there! Your home decorations and trees were beautiful. Yesterday and today I am putting away the Christmas things. I love putting them up but feel good when they are down and put away and things get back to normal. Went to see Breanne yesterday and Emeri is growning so fast. She is crawling and stranding. She is still very tiny and is wearing 6 months size clothes. Pretty cute! Of course all of our children are pretty cute and special.

Took this picture of Emeri yesterday so thought I would post it. Now that Santa brought us a camera and I have figured out how to use it I can send more pictures. What a marvelous invention this computer thing!!!!!!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

i'm so glad you got a camera! how fun, now we can really see what's going on with you! love you. the kids loved their gifts, you're the best. :)