Thursday, December 07, 2006

This is a late birthday message. Tried to post this yesterday but it wouldn't download so today it is. This is the way I remember Leslie. Always such a darling and pretty little girl. I remember the birthdays we went shopping and came home to show grampy what you had chosen. Now you are 29 and a beautiful mommie and wife. Happy late birthday and know that I tried to blog this on the real day. Today is a busy one-still have much to do before Christmas. I am going to run down to Breanne's for a bit this morning and then back to do some errands - like the grocery store, etc. Wish all were closer so that I could just run over and say Hi and see all of the kiddos once in awhile - Guess pictures and blogs will have to do. I am so grateful that I can do that. Love you all - Grammy


joojierose said...

leslie is soooo cute in those pictures! haha - now we know that the horn kids didn't get their good looks just from neal.

Leslie said...

thanks grammy! and julianne! I've never seen a couple of those pictures before. Thanks for sharing and for always loving me. I love you too!