Thursday, August 06, 2009

old apt house!

Another old picture. This is the house on 4th street downtown Long Beach, Ca that Emily Potter owned.
She lived in the apartment on the rt of the picture and Aunt Blanche lived in the apt on the left. I remember visiting when I was about 5 years old. It was a different kind of place because it had 1 toilet downstairs in the back hall for the downstairs apts to use and 1 upstairs for the upstairs apts. I remember it being dark and the toilet seat was a funny color of black or dark brown. I did not like to use it unless veryyyyy necessary. Great Grandma always had cookies but we had to have oatmeal first. The very small kitchen was had very dark wood cupboards and wood drain boards. There was a pull down bed in the living room. I don't remember if there was a bedroom. Great grandma was always in her rocking chair. She had very white hair that was a little bit yellow and and my mother said that it was because she only washed it once a month or longer. She always had on a long black dress with a white lace collar. I remember the funniest things but I was only 5 when she passed away.
In the summer when my mother was young they would visit great grandma and from there they would go to the pike or the beach. I think in some of the pictures you can see my mother and Aunt Lucille in front on the steps.
There are new apts there now and I went down a couple of years ago to see the house and get pictures but it has been torn down and the apts were build. This is the only I have and it was sent to me by a cousin.

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1 comment:

joojierose said...

i love to hear your memories grammy - they are so interesting :) thanks for sharing!