Saturday, January 10, 2009

A quick trip!

The last 3 days was so much fun. I was able to spend the time with these adorable little ones and Leslie and Neal. It was a good time and Neal did a root canal for me too. Leslie took me to Audrey and Parker's school and we had lunch with Audrey in the lunchroom. Then we took sa ride to where there is a house being built that they are interested in. It was a quick trip but i loved being able to see them all and really giving them some hugs. It was a great and wonderful 3 days.
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Leslie said...

we had so much fun seeing you!

Leslie said...

neal wants to know how your tooth is.

Barbara said...

Tell Neal that my tooth is still tender but think it is just settling down. Not to bad and I don't need the pain med. I will call my dentist here Mon morn and get in to see him next week.